The joys, contemplations, hopes and frustrations of a writer and busy mom of three.

I wish spring was here.  I really do.  I’ve always loved living in a place that has such distinctive seasons.  I love the changes each one brings and I don’t think I’d be happy living in a place that didn’t experience at least some mild change in seasons.  But there always comes a point in the winter when my mind and body start to say “Enough already.”  Enough snow gear and slushy roads and temperatures too cold to tolerate.  Just ENOUGH.

But then we get a snowfall like we had last night.  The kind that leaves a powdery blanket on every tree and bush and leaves everything truly looking like a winter wonderland.  It’s so beautiful that even the most winter-hating among us can look around for a moment and admit that it’s beautiful.  At least for a moment.  Okay, maybe not my sister.  But most of us.  🙂

My husband gave me snowshoes for my birthday.  I’ve taken them for a spin the past two days and I love them!  This morning, I ventured out on my own, with my snowshoes and my camera, to capture some photos of the beautiful snowfall.  I was the only one on the trail and my snowshoe tracks were the only marks in the freshly fallen snow.  It was very peaceful, a chance to reflect on all the things I am grateful for in my life.  I hope the images I captured help you appreciate the snow as well, or perhaps help you appreciate something else in your life that you also don’t have the ability to change right now.  Today, I was truly at peace with the fact that I can’t control the weather and I can’t make spring arrive any sooner.  I can only appreciate this moment for what it is and with gratitude that I am healthy and able to experience it at all. 
It looked like a heart in the snow:
My tracks alone…

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