The joys, contemplations, hopes and frustrations of a writer and busy mom of three.

Summer’s Top 20 List

To say this has been a hectic summer would be an understatement. Just having the kids home for three months is a huge adjustment for all of us. Add to that the excitement of having my in-laws and their dog, Lucky, staying with us for an extended period of time while their new condo is completed and the general flurry of activities that always seem to fill the summer months and life has been anything but dull around here. By Tuesday of this week, when the kids kissed me goodbye and headed off to their first day of school, we were ALL ready. However, as I look back at what seemed to be a constant craziness around here, I recall so many wonderful memories from the summer of 2009 and thought I would briefly chronicle them here for posterity.

1. Boot Camp: I started off the summer by joining a boot camp for the month of June. I shared my adventures here. It is still something I am very proud of and highly recommend to anyone!

2. Band Camp: This was Annie’s second year at Band Camp and we are so proud of her accomplishments there this year, including a solo part and the opportunity to speak in front of the very large audience at the final concert for parents and family members!

3. Writing Camp: Caroline tried a writing day camp this summer and loved it. She is an incredible writer, with skills far beyond her years, and we really enjoyed reading all the different types of writing she did in just five days! She had such a great time connecting with other kids her age who love to write as much as she does.

4. Theo’s Sports Achievements: Theo played t-ball and took swim lessons this summer and the improvements he made in both were so fun to watch. He is very excited about playing coach pitch baseball next summer and he swims like a little fish! We really enjoyed attending all of his games and cheering him on!

5. Annual Cedarburg Trip: Annie, Caroline and I went for our second annual day trip to Cedarburg and had a blast once again. There’s nothing like a day of mother-daughter bonding time over shopping and lunch at an outdoor restaurant beside a creek while eating what they deem to be the world’s best pesto mozzarella sticks.

6. YMCA Camp: Theo attended a week of day camp at the local YMCA Camp MacLean for the second year in a row and loved it once again. They do so many fun, unique activities with the kids and he hops in the car every day with so many stories to tell. He can’t wait to go again next year!

7. Our great weather: Record low temperatures and lots of sunshine made for one of the most pleasant summers I can recall. Few things make me happier than low humidity and being able to sleep with the windows open, which we were able to do often this summer. What a treat!

8. Melting Pot: We shared a lovely evening at one of our favorite restaurants, The Melting Pot (a fondue restaurant) to celebrate my in-laws’ anniversary and retirement. We’re so happy for their accomplishments and we all enjoyed the evening out to honor them.

9. Reading Time: This summer, I allowed myself a little more reading time than I have in years past. Although we did a lot of great activities, the pace was still a bit slower than in recent years and I really enjoyed the opportunities to bury myself in some good books.

10. Biking Time: One of my favorite things to do as a family during good weather is biking. I love getting out in the fresh air with the family, exercising together, talking along the way, having mini races, etc.

11. Farmer’s Market: We are blessed with a wonderful farmer’s market in the neighboring town, filled with produce, baked goods, flowers, eggs, handmade jewelry, dinner options and even live music! It’s always a pleasure to visit and I never leave empty-handed!

12. Annie’s 13th Birthday Bash: This was one for the record books! Thirteen girls, a crazy scavenger hunt through nearby neighborhoods, jumping in the pool with their clothes on, eating pizza, eating in general, watching movies, talking till the wee hours of the night. It was a great group of girls and a party we’ll never forget!

13. Moving In: We were thrilled when Steve’s parents decided to move to Wisconsin after retiring and selling their home in New Jersey. They will be living less than 10 minutes away and we look forward to being able to be there for each other and to have them share in more of the kids’ activities.

14. Bookworms: Annie and I are both avid readers (although the fact that she doesn’t have three kids and a house to take care of her means she kicks my butt in sheer number of books read this summer). I love that she’s at an age where we can both enjoy some of the same books and have great discussions about what we’re reading. I bought several books for her this summer that ended up to be some of her favorites. I have to confess I take a lot of pride in knowing my 13-year-old well enough to know what books she might like! I love sharing our passion for reading with each other.

15. A funny moment: I took the three kids to the local library’s summer reading celebration and Annie commented that she hoped she’d win a prize this year since Caroline and Theo both won something last year and she didn’t. Lo and behold, the first winner announced was none other than Annie! Her prize? A ride in Sheriff Tony’s squad car! Just what every 13-year-old girl wants, right? She promptly offered it to her little brother, who was thrilled.

16. Gourmet Group: I’m pleased to say that after 3 1/2 years, our group is still alive and as yummy and fun as ever. Our meal in August was delicious and the company, as always, delightful.

17. Boy Scout Camp Out: Theo had his first overnight Boy Scout campout, this one at his leader’s house as an introduction to various aspects of camping. Steve went along and they had a great time. I loved that they were able to share this experience together and I know they’ll have many more in the future.

18. Beach Day: One of the last days of summer (and a gorgeous one, to boot), three kids and one friend each and a fairly unpopulated beach equaled one of our most fun outings of the summer. I heard “thank you” numerous times on the way home.

19. A Weekend Alone: The girls’ dad and step-mom invited Theo to join them on a long weekend a few hours away and Steve and I had the whole house to ourselves for three glorious days. We napped, stayed up late, slept in, went to a movie, watched movies at home, went to gourmet group, lounged around and even squeezed in a few household projects (without interruptions!). Our theme for the weekend was “Because we can!” We were very happy to see the kids at the end of the weekend, but every couple needs a rejuvenating weekend like that once in a while.

20. Our Colorado Vacation: All I can say is I’m in love. The gorgeous weather, the incredible mountain views, the wild elk, the flowers, the great hikes, being surrounded by nature, the incredible photos I was able to take. What a beautiful place and I can’t wait to go again someday.

So many memories crammed into just a few months. Just a few years ago, the kids were attending zoo classes and toddling and squealing around on the beach and now they’re tackling 4-mile bike rides and 6-mile hikes. The time goes so quickly and I’m so glad for all the wonderful experiences we’ll have to look back on someday when they have children of their own.

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